Home > biomechZoo > Toolbox > Zoo Processing > bmech_combine.m



BMECH_COMBINE(fld1,fld2,method,fl1exclude,fl2exclude) will combine data from 2 separate zoo files.


function bmech_combine(fld1,fld2,method,fl1exclude,fl2exclude)


 BMECH_COMBINE(fld1,fld2,method,fl1exclude,fl2exclude) will combine data from 2 separate zoo files.

  fld1      ...  folder for first data set. Files saved to fld1
  fld2      ...  folder for second data set
  method   ...   determines if you want to upsample the signal with the lower frequency ('up'),
                 if you want to downsample the signal with the  highest frequency ('down'), or
                 leave them the same 'none'. Default is down if frequencies are different.
  fl1exclude ... Files names to ignore from fld1. Default none, {}
  fl2exclude ... File names to ignore from fld2. Default none, {}

  You may have collected data using 2 separate systems. As each signal was colected by a different system,
  you have 2 sets of zoo data per trial. This file will create a sigle zoo file containing
  all the channels in the first folder fld1

  - make a copy of "folder 1" this is where all your data will be combined
  - please make sure correct trials are combined. Files in each folder
    should follow the same number sequence.
  - You can check the zoosystem SourceFile to make sure process was completed correctly


This function calls: This function is called by:
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